About the Jobs Maximizer Program For Providers


These are two and a half hour workshops, called Learning Labs.  Each workshop, conducted via Zoom, includes interactive breakout sessions where each organization can go deeper on the topic.

Building Trust with your Stakeholders

Whether you are a business, nonprofit, or any organization, building trust among your stakeholders is critical to advancing your strategic agenda. The Accelerating Trust Action Plan tool created by Bpeace sequences the basic steps to building a culture of trust. Start with articulating your organization’s core values, establishing buy-in, and taking steps to operationalize values with your team. Bpeace often discusses the concept of “deposits” and “withdrawals” in building trust. This same tool can be used to sequencing the roll-out of an organization’s mission.

Data Driven Decision Making

In this workshop Bpeace shares its approach to data-driven decision making. You will gain guidance in how to incorporate data into your decision-making; consider the relations between the data and the trends arising; and develop a data-based decision-making culture. Engage in a discussion guided by PwC on how leaders believe data is the new oil, i.e., the world’s most valuable resource.

Best Practices for Remote Advisory  

Virtual service delivery, whether stand alone or paired with in person, is a new reality for most service provider organizations. In this workshop you will learn how to establish and improve virtual services. Learn from experts on how to make your service delivery engaging and effective. Bpeace will share its proven methodologies for remote advisory and the reaction by and impact on its client businesses.

Developing Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

Objectives define where you want to go. They are short and inspirational. Key Results are the deliverables that you define for each objective so that you can measure your progress toward achieving that goal. In this workshop, improve your ability to set and achieve organizational goals. Using the OKR tool, define your OKRs to connect your company, team, and personal objectives to achieve measurable results, allowing all employees to work together in one unified direction.



February—March: Nominate small businesses

·      Nominate a minimum of 12 small business that meet the Job Maximizer eligibility criteria (Underserved and Underrepresented Businesses, minimum of: two years of formal operations in the U.S, five employees, and revenues of at least $100,000)

·      Using marketing tools provided by Bpeace, disseminate the Jobs Maximizer program and application to your constituents, engage with eligible applicants to answer their questions and ensure they complete the application on time

February—May. Participate in workshops tailored to you

·      Participate in three interactive capacity building workshops specifically tailored to SMB Service Providers to help you better serve your small business clients.

·      Select up to five participants per organization to participate in workshops, must include one executive level decision maker.

·      Topics of workshop offerings include:

  • ­  Building Trust with your Stakeholders
  • ­  Data Driven Decision Making
  • ­  Best Practices for Remote Advisory
  • ­  Developing Objectives and Key Results

June—August. Observe workshops tailored to the needs of the small business cohort

·      Have the opportunity to audit three additional business growth workshops offered to the participating small businesses. Common topics include: Talent Management, Marketing and Communications, SEO Optimization.

·      Receive training and support on how to provide custom, tailored, and sophisticated coaching to entrepreneurs using the AEO RESILI™ platform.

*This timeline is for informative purposes only. Program timeline will be finalized once participants are selected.