Today In Washington
March 9, 2018
Source: Mark Lee – Director, Government Relations

Congress Adjourns for the Week – Congress has adjourned, and will return on Monday, March 12. When they return, the Senate will continue consideration of S. 2155, the “Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act,” and the House Appropriations Committee will continue negotiations on the FY2018 omnibus.

H.R. 5144, the “Contracting Compliance Act,” introduced by Rep. Rod Blum (R-IA). This legislation requires the Comptroller General of the United States to assess the compliance of federal contracting agencies, with the requirements of Section 8(d)(7) of the Small Business Act, and submit a report to the House and Senate Small Business Committees within one year of passage. Section 8(d)(7) requires federal contracting agencies to collect, and report, on data regarding prime contractor compliance with federal subcontracting goals.