Many Small Businesses Still Struggling Financially Per New Survey  

The Federal Reserve’s recent small business survey revealed that many companies still struggle to hire workers and overcome supply chain challenges. Black-owned, Asian-owned, and Hispanic-owned firms were also more likely to say their finances were in poorer shape than this time last year.  

Source: Reuters  


Massachusetts Launches $75 Million Small Business Relief Program  

A new program in Massachusetts will focus on helping small businesses in the state that employ between two and 50 people. $25 million will be directed toward enterprises that did not qualify for previous grants and $50 million will be directed to companies that reach underserved markets and historically underrepresented groups.  



Recommendations for Building Hybrid Work Teams 

Building successful hybrid or mixed in-person and online teams require focus and flexibility. Here are some tips for creating solutions that meet both staff and management goals.  



Rhode Island Organizations Join Together to Help Local AAPI Businesses  

Two Rhode Island-based nonprofits joined together to provide microloans to local Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders-owned (AAPI) businesses. A total of $175,000 will be distributed among 12 eligible companies.  

Source: WJAR-TV 10   


Des Moines Non Profit Newly Certified as a CDFI 

The Iowa Center for Economic Success, a Des Moines-based non profit, announced that its loan fund has been certified by the U.S. Department of Treasury as a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI). The organization has been lending since 2015, but began pursuing CDFI certification in 2021.  

Source: Clay and