Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), co-chair of the bipartisan Senate Entrepreneurship Caucus, and Thom Tillis (R-NC) introduced the bipartisan Military Spouse Entrepreneurship Act of 2023. This act would instruct the Small Business Administration to produce a program that would train spouses of military members to start, develop, and operate small businesses.

On The Hill

H.R. 3799, the Custom Health Option and Individual Care Expense (CHOICE) Arrangement Act, is due to be considered by the Committee on Rules this week. The act proposes to expand Association Health Plans, codify a Trump Administration rule expanding health reimbursement accounts, and increase employers protection with stop-loss insurance. Learn more about the act in the Ways and Means one pager here.

At the Agencies

The US Department of Labor released a readout discussing “US Department Of Labor roundtable marks Equal Pay Act, Titles IX anniversaries, reflects on advances, hurdles ahead for women.”