Today In Washington
January 4, 2018
Source: AEO Government Relations Team, Madison Services Group

Winter Storm Clears out Washington
The House is out and the Senate cancelled legislative business for the rest of the week to allow members to leave town before the winter storm hits the East Coast.
Senate Adds Two
Yesterday, the Senate swore in two new members of the upper chamber. Former Minnesota Lieutenant Governor Tina Brown, a Democrat, replaces former Senator Al Franken (D-MN). Former attorney Doug Jones replaces Attorney General Jeff Sessions as Alabama’s junior Senator. The election of Senator Jones, also a Democrat, represents a party swing, and narrows the Senate GOP majority to 51-49.
Proposed Changes to Association Health Plans for Small Business
The Trump Administration plans to open association health plans to a greater number of small business owners. The proposed rule will allow sole proprietors to offer plans not governed by Obamacare rules that govern larger group health plans. It is also expected to allow groups of small business owners to join forces for the explicit purpose of providing healthcare. The rule is expected to be posted tomorrow.