Today In Washington
October 31, 2017
Source: AEO Government Relations Team, Madison Services Group

SBA Office of Advocacy: Small Business Job Creation
Yesterday, the SBA Office of Advocacy released a facts sheet on small business job creation. According to the fact sheet, small businesses, defined as firms with fewer than 500 employees, have created 62% (8.3 million) of the 13.4 million new private-sector jobs since the end of the Great Recession. The information is based off statistics from the U.S Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. You can find the fact sheet here.
SBA 30-Day Comment Period
The Small Business Administration (SBA) has opened three 30-day comment periods:
• In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), which requires agencies to submit proposed reporting and recordkeeping requirements to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval, SBA has issued a solicitation for comment on requiring Small Business Investment Companies (SBIC) to submit financial statements and supplementary information on SBAForm 468. This information will be used by the SBA to monitor SBIC financial conditions and regulatory compliance. You can find the comment solicitation here.
• In compliance with PRA, the SBA issued a solicitation for comment on the right-to-appeal, through the SBA, the decision by a contracting officer determining that a small business is non-responsible for award of a specific prime government contract. This information will be used to determine if the Contracting Officer’s decision should be overturned. You can find the comment solicitation here.
• Solicitation for comment on the SBA’s Strategic Plan for FY2018 – FY2022. You can find the comment solicitation here.
SBA Website Issues
The SBA has recently updated its webpages for SBA Lenders and is experiencing technical difficulties. SBA is soliciting feedback to ensure that their digital services team identifies all issues. Click here for the notification sent to SBA partners.
H.R. 4139, the “End Outsourcing Act,” introduced by Representative Mark Pocan (D-WI). This bill requires employers to submit an outsourcing statement on why the job was outsourced to the Secretary of the Department of Labor (DOL), requires DOL to annually publish the list of employers and outsourcing statements and denies businesses the ability to deduct expenses related to the outsourcing of jobs.
S.Res. 313, a resolution “Designating the Week of October 30 through November 3, 2017, as National Veterans Small Business Week,” introduced by Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH).
Tomorrow @ 10 a.m.: House Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations – “Examining the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery Program.” 2128 Rayburn House Office Building
Thursday, November 2 @ 10 a.m.: House Small Business Committee – “Operating or Rulemaking? A Review of SBA’s Opaque Standard Operating Procedures Process.” 2360 Rayburn House Office Building.
Friday, November 3 @ 9:15 a.m.: House Financial Services Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Securities, & Investment, “Legislative Proposals to Improve Small Businesses’ and Communities’ Access to Capital.” 2128 Rayburn House Office Building.

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