Variable Rate Loans Become More Attractive For Small Businesses As Fed Mulls Rate Cut

Companies in search of capital have many attractive options right now. If they are ready for startup or expansion funding, now is as good a time as ever.

Source: Forbes

Exclusive – Elizabeth Warren: Level The Playing Field For Black Entrepreneurs

In an exclusive op-ed, Sen. Elizabeth Warren outlines her plan to create economic justice and to assist black entrepreneurs.

Source: Black Enterprise

Experts Gather at Babson to Disrupt Financing for Women Entrepreneurs

In 1999, companies with women CEOs receive less than 3% of all venture capital funding. Over a decade later, this statistic remains unchanged. Babson’s Center for Women’s Entrepreneurial Leadership is working to move the needle.

Source: Babson College

O’Rourke Unveils Plan To Support Women, Minority-Owned Businesses

White House hopeful Beto O’Rourke unveiled a plan he said would create 200,000 new businesses run by women and people of color within eight years.

Source: The Hill

Women Entrepreneurs And Business Executives Say The Abortion Bans Are Harmful And Terrible For Business

Executives say abortion bans hinder their day-to-do operations and bottom line, by impairing ability to build diverse and inclusive workforce pipelines, recruit top talent across the states, and protect the people who keep business thriving day in and out.

Source: Business Insider