Mastercard’s Approach to Small Business Owners (Who Happen to Be Women)

How an entrepreneur goes about solving challenges varies, but data from Mercator Advisory Group and Mastercard highlights how, on average, there are differences between male and female owners in their approach to solving some small business challenges.

Source: Payments Journal



OneUnited Bank Launches BankBlack X to Address the Racial Wealth Gap

The country’s largest Black-owned bank has launched a new initiative focused on financial empowerment for African Americans. provides valuable information about how to navigate the financial facets of major life milestones, including launching a small business.

Source: News One



How Pinnacle Bank’s Partnership With Banzai Delivers Financial Education and CRA Credit

Pinnacle Bank sponsors financial education for a number of schools, especially those in LMI communities. To facilitate service activity, Pinnacle’s education software partner, Banzai, provides a teacher interface that lets them request in-class presentations.

Source: ABA Banking Journal



House Passes Bill Taking Aim At Anonymous Shell Companies

As Congress attempts to crack down on financial crime, many fear small businesses will get tangled in the red tape of burdensome reporting requirements.

Source: The Hill



Detractors Decry Opportunity Zones As Legally Sanctioned Gentrification

With no regulations around what type of investment is acceptable, many see opportunity zones as a ploy to displace black and brown working-class people from their homes and further destabilize already vulnerable areas—all to benefit wealthy developers.

Source: MarketWatch