Last week, the Department of Labor agreed to close nine Job Corps Civilian Conservation Centers at the request of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue. These are a subset of Job Corp Centers meant to train youth with educational and vocational skills in the conservation of public natural resources. The remaining 16 centers will be replaced by new contract operators or by a partnership overseen by DOL.
This week, the House and Senate are in recess, Congressional business will resume June 4th.
On Capitol Hill
Floor Proceedings
House: Out of Session
Senate: In Pro Forma Session
- The Senate will convene today for a pro forma session.
Committee Proceedings
House Committee on Financial Services
- No relevant hearings today
House Committee on Appropriations
- No relevant hearings today
House Committee on Ways and Means
- No relevant hearings today
House Committee on Energy and Commerce
- No relevant hearings today
House Committee on Education and Labor
- No relevant hearings today
Senate Committee on Appropriations
- No relevant hearings today
Senate Committee on Small Business
- No relevant hearings today
Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs
- No relevant hearings today
Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions
- No relevant hearings today
Senate Committee on Finance
- No relevant hearings today
Senate Judiciary Committee
- No relevant hearings today
Bills of Interest
- A bill was introduced by Rep. Frederica S. Wilson (D-FL) to establish student loan borrowers’ rights to basic consumer protections, reasonable and flexible repayment options, access to earned credentials, and effective loan cancellation in exchange for public service (HR 3027)
- A bill was introduced by Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI) to increase funding for the COPS Grant Program and the Secure Our Schools Grant Program (HR 3023)
At the Agencies
Department of Labor
- DOL released the labor job corps announcement
- No relevant news today
- No relevant news today
- No relevant news today
- No relevant news today
Links You Can Use
For reviewing legislation and tracking appropriations:
For reviewing proposed and pending regulation: