Today In Washington
April 26, 2018
Source: Jennifer White – Director, Government Relations
Hearing on Midsize Businesses Today– The House Small Business Committee will hold a hearing, “No Man’s Land: Middle-Market Challenges for Small Business Graduates,” this morning at 10 AM on the challenges of large small businesses when approaching the top of their small size standard.
Steve Ramaley will be testifying on behalf of the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce, and Lisa Firestone will be testifying on behalf of Women Impacting Public Policy.
Senate Small Business Committee Holds Cyber Security Hearing – Yesterday, the Senate Small Business Committee held a hearing on cyber security solutions for small businesses and how small businesses can be adequately equipped for constantly changing cyber security needs. To watch yesterday’s hearing, click here.
SBA Office of Advocacy Small Business Profiles – The SBA Office of Advocacy released the annual Small Business Profiles, an annual portrait of each state’s small businesses focused on state economic growth and employment. Check out your state’s profile here.
H. Res. 840 (Rep. Steve Chabot, R-OH): Expressing support for the designation of the week of April 29, 2018, through May 5, 2018, as “National Small Business Week” to celebrate the contributions of small businesses and entrepreneurs in every community in the United States.
S. 2735 (Sen. Jim Risch, R-ID): To provide for the establishment of an enhanced cybersecurity assistance and protections for small businesses. Text not yet available.
S. 2020 (Sen. Ed Markey, D-MA): Cyber Shield Act of 2017, establishing a voluntary program to identify and promote Internet-connected products that meet industry-leading cybersecurity and data security standards, guidelines, best practices, methodologies, procedures, and processes.
H.R. 4524 (Rep. Richard Neal, D-MA): To expand retirement coverage, preserve retirement income, and simplify rules related to retirement plans
• TODAY @ 10 AM: House Committee on Small Business, Subcommittee on Contracting and Workforce, No Man’s Land: Middle-Market Changes for Small Business Graduates, 2360 Rayburn House Office Building (Steve Ramaley will be testifying on behalf of the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce, and Lisa Firestone will be testifying on behalf of Women Impacting Public Policy)
• TODAY @ 10 AM: House Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Health, Innovation in Health Care, 1100 Longworth House Office Building
• TODAY @ 9 AM: House Armed Services Committee, FY19 National Defense Authorization Act Markup, 2212 Rayburn House Office Building