Today In Washington
February 9, 2018
Source: Jennifer White – Director, Government Relations

Budget Watch: After missing the midnight deadline and a brief partial government shutdown, Congress passed a two-year budget agreement in the early hours of the morning that will raise existing budget caps on defense and non-defense spending and suspend the debt ceiling for one year. The Senate passed the measure 71-28 and the House 240-186. The agreement will temporarily finance the government at the current FY17 levels through March 23, allotting time for Congress to work out details for longer term spending. The bill also extends funding for disaster aid, Community Development Block Grants, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and Community Health Centers.

In line with his promise to Democrats to end the last shutdown in January, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has scheduled a procedural vote for Monday on shell legislation to be used for a debate on immigration.

February 14 @ 10AM: Job Creation, Competition, and Small Business’ Role in the U.S. Economy, House Small Business Committee, Rayburn 2360.