Today In Washington
July 16, 2018
Source: Charlie Greene – Manager, Government Relations
House Small Business Committee Markup Wednesday – The House Small Business Committee will meet Wednesday to markup 8 bills that would amend the Small Business Act and the Small Business Investment Act. More information on the markup can be found here.
House to Vote on Second Minibus Containing FSGG Bill – The House has scheduled a vote for tomorrow on a second “minibus” spending package, combining funding bills for Financial Services and General Government (FSGG) (H.R. 6147) with Interior and Environment. The FSGG bill contains funding for the Small Business Administration. The Senate is expected to vote on the minibus later this week after it passes the House.
• Tuesday, July 17 @10 AM: Senate Banking Committee, The Semiannual Monetary Policy Report to the Congress , 216 Hart Senate Office Building
• Tuesday, July 17 @2 PM: House Small Business Committee, Subcommittee on Investigations, Oversight, and Regulations, Achieving Government-wide Verification of Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Businesses, 2360 Rayburn Office Building
• Wednesday, July 18 @ 10 AM: House Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee, Reviewing the Administration’s Government Reorganization Proposal, 342 Dirksen Senate Office Building.
• Wednesday, July 18 @ 11 AM: House Small Business Committee, 8 Bill Markup, 2360 Rayburn House Office Building
New legislation:
• H.R. 6367: To amend the Small Business Act to specify what credit is given for certain subcontractors and to provide a dispute process for non-payment to subcontractors, and for other purposes — Introduced by Rep. Lawson (D-FL) (Text and summary not yet available)
• H.R. 6368: To encourage R&D small business set-asides, to encourage SBIR and STTR participants to serve as mentors under the Small Business Administration’s mentor-protege program, to promote the use of interagency contracts, and for other purposes — Introduced by Rep. Espaillat (D-NY) (Text and summary not yet available)
• H.R. 6369: To amend the Small Business Act to eliminate the inclusion of option years in the award price for sole source contracts, and for other purposes — Introduced by Rep. Marshall (R-KS) (Text and summary not yet available)