Today in Washington – October 1, 2018
October 1, 2018
Source: Jennifer (White) Mangone – Legislative Counsel

The House is in recess.

Happy Fiscal New Year: FY2019 begins today, with work completed on five of the 12 regular appropriations bills. The President signed a measure covering the Pentagon and Labor, HHS, and Education departments on Friday after previously signing the Energy and Water, Military Construction-VA and Legislative Branch omnibus. All other programs are operating through Dec. 7 under a continuing resolution, averting a partial government shutdown until after the midterms.

• October 3 @ 2:30 PM: Senate Small Business Committee, Expanding Opportunities for Small Businesses Through the Tax Code, 428A Russell Senate Building.
• October 5 @ 10 AM: Senate Small Business Committee, How Small Businesses Benefit from Smart Rail Shipping Regulation, 428 Russell Senate Building.